
In this privacy statement, I explain why I collect information about you, how I use this information and how I take into account your privacy. is owned and operated by Jennie Aas.

About personal information and regulations

Personal information is information and assessments that can be linked to an identifiable individual. This can be name, address, phone number, email address and IP address.

The processing of personal data, such as collection, registration, storage and disclosure, is subject to special rules, including in the Personal Data Act. Jennie Aas is responsible for ensuring that the treatment takes place in accordance with the rules of the law. The Data Inspectorate supervises compliance with the law are complied with.

Sharing of information

I do not share personal information with other companies.

Administration of personal data

You can influence what personal information I have about you and how I use it. You can do this by contacting me, see the point contact information for more information.

If you discover errors in the information I have about you, you can change this yourself by contacting me so that I can correct this.

Content from third party providers

My website may have content such as pictures, movies and other content provided by third party providers such as Youtube, Vimeo or similar. Content from other providers behaves just as if you visited the provider directly. These services place cookies on your computer.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics to analyze the use of my websites. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies that provide me with information about which pages are most visited, where users come from, at what times the pages are most visited, etc. The information analyzed by Google Analytics is anonymized through the AnonymizeIP service, which makes individual users unidentifiable.

Most browsers are preset to automatically accept cookies, but the user can choose to change these settings in the browser.

Changes to the privacy statement

I will be able to periodically update or change the privacy statement. In the event of major changes, we will inform you of this.

Contact information

If you have questions about my use of the privacy statement or personal information, feel free to contact me at